Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Thanks as always Pea and everyone for all your extra prayer and care. I updated my post from yesterday.

Lynn, God Bless your young neighbors. Let me know if you think they would enjoy stickers or word searches.

To everyone:grouphug:, how blessed I am that God has kept this special thread our Quacker family meeting place. I thank Him always for all of you. We are so blessed to have each other. Love to all always. Sweet dreams, friends.
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:) at the picture dear Pollyanna Mom, thanks, my friend.

I deleted the rest of the post because it is NEVER my intention to come across as judgy. It also occured to me this is a public thread and despite my best effort some of what I had shared was more specific. I am much quieter in person than at times I come across on here. I thank all of you forever for being my Quacker family. Dad and I are doing our very best. God willing we both continue to move forward as guided by the Lord. Love to all.
I have only seen caring, supportive and compassionate posts from you. Don't change a thing and no one else is this group should either. This is a really good group of people that I happy to be associated with. Cheers!
@SpaceMan5 So true. This is a great group of kind, supportive people. Glad you are part of it too.

Good morning. It is a dreary morning with rain this morning. It is 60 with temps only heading towards 70. I hope I can see Luke play baseball but it will depend on the weather. It is funny how one hour away can make the difference in weather. Yesterday I drove just to the next town and they had rain but my town was clear. Crazy! Ethan and Owen's baseball game was nice. Since Kenny does not have the kids this weekend the soon to be ex brought the kids and she stays for the game. Halfway through the game I hear a voice, say Hi how are you, and it is Kenny's GF and the dog. So she sat down next to me and we chatted. The soon to be ex is sitting nearby with her friend and here is Kenny's GF with the dog. I thought that this may add to the ex's vindictiveness at the next hearing. Of course the kids are saying, Mommy this is Clifford our dog and the ex was tactful enough to say that he's cute. Maybe she is over everything too, who knows. I just felt really awkward but not my issue to be honest. Kenny is an adult and needs to make his own decisions even if they are not the ones I would make.

Have a good Sunday.
Good cloudy morning. Going to be cloudy most of the day, temps only low 70's. Feels nice. We must have had rain overnight because the deck was wet when I got up.

Checked the garden, fed the cats and birds, and that's all that needed to be done outside.

Last night I was watching a movie, and all of a sudden all these birds in the side yard were squawking and flying around. I go out, and under a chair on the deck sits Tiger, the littlest of the outdoor cats, and she's got a baby blue jay in her mouth. This is the second one she's caught. The other blue jays were squawking and trying to dive bomb her. I finally got the bird away from her and put it on a board using a broom, and took it to the back corner, with the big birds following me. One of them picked it up and took it away. But then they came back and flew around in the side yard making noise for a long time. I'm afraid they're going to attack Tiger one of these times.

Off to find something to do

Have a nice Sunday everyone.



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